Previously, this blog sells baby products. But I think i dont have that talent to sells thing to the people. Hehe.. sorry for those that still viewing the blog to find the latest item for your baby.
Maybe i am quite late to start to blogging about my children, my experience. But better late than never right?
This month, June 2012: Rayyan already 30th months old and my baby Hudd is 10 months old. The pain during delivering pun belom ilang lagi... hehehe.. I still remember it. Sakitnyaaa.. mak ai...
Dear Rayyan & Hudd:
Rayyan 2yrs & Hudd 4 months |
Muhammad Rayyan Mkael born on 10th December 2009 at An-Nur Specialist Hospital at 3 am. My gynae was Dr. Fatimah. Very nice doc even though dia agak garang. Biasanya org sakit nak beranak baru pergi hospital. But for Rayyan, Ibu pegi hosp untuk check the baby heartbeat because Dr. Fatima ask me to come that night just to check if the heartbeat is ok or too low. Because on the day time tu, Ibu did the checkup as usual and the doc find out that baby heartbeat sgt lemah. On that time Rayyan baru 38th weeks and i did not expect that the baby akan deliver that day. So, sampai di hospital, chec heart beat, check bukaan... alamak dah 2cm and the nurse advice me to stay and get warded. During that time baru pukul 9.00 pm, and I haven't take my dinner yet. Dah plan nak gi makan char kuey teow rasanya time tu. So tak makan la.... Tapi Dah tunggu sampai pukul 12 mlm, contraction dah kerap 15 mins.. tapi nurse check still 2 cm. I tak tahan la... So for Ryyan, Ibu amik epidural. hehehehe... mengelat la.. So tak rasa sgt la sakit tu. Sikit2 je la...
Muhammad Hudd Esmael born on 8th August 2011, at Kuantan Specialist at 11.30 pm. During that time ialah bulan Ramadhan. yes... bulan puasa. Hudd lahir pada hari ke-8 puasa. Ibu kene ganti 22 hari tau... During delivery, Papa is not around and only Grandma yang temankan Ibu. Papa work kat KL.. tak sempat nak tengok Hudd dalam labor room. My gynae ialah macam2 doc time tu heheh... Ibu main belasah je mana2 hospital yg berdekatan. During deliver my baby Hudd, mmg Allah sgt permudahkan urusan Ibu. Ibu sakit cuma setengah jam, then Hudd dah keluar dah.. Happy...!! And for you, Hudd lahir normal without any drug. Barula Ibu merasa sakit beranak tu cemana. I still can feel semua urat2 ni putus. Lagipun I already experience the first baby cemana nak buat, ape nak buat, so... even Papa sampai lewat sket, I manage to handle it by myself.
So now, both of you semakin membesar dan membesar...and I really happy and thankful having Rayyan and Hudd in my life beside Papa. Inilah rezeki Allah yang paling Ibu syukuri.