Thursday, June 7, 2012

#2: Cooking Menu: Baby Pasta with Brokoli & Chicken Soup

 Recipe for Baby Pasta:

1. Pasta ( Heinz brand) 1/2 cup
2. Pumpkin 1/2 cup
3. Brokoli 1/2 cup
4. Chicken breast
5. Fresh Thyme (optional)

Boil/steam pumpkin and pumpkin until tender.
Boil pasta and chicken with water until cooked.Season with thyme. 
Blend pumpkin, brokoli and chicken with some water until preference consistency.
Combine pasta and gravy.
Hudd loves it very much!
Tgkla muka comot dia..heheheh...

1 comment:

  1. I am really thankful to you. which you give me the awesome information about babie's pasta which might be very useful for all

    Personal Chef Long Island
