Banyak benda yg berlaku sepanjang 2 tahun yang tak tulis blog ni. But how can i compile everything in a single post? hheeh.. Nampaknya kene simplify it jugak la. Kalo tak lama2 lagi ibu pun lupa jugak..
Humm well.. Kita cerita tentang setiap org la.. ok tak macam tu?

Anak sulung ibu dah start skolah since 4 years old at Genius Aulad, BBBangi. During 4 years old your class name is 4 Al-Biruni. Your class teacher is teacher Nazirah. This year, you change class cuz now you are 5 years old. Your class name is 5 Zheng He and your class teacher is teacher Jannah. Last year, Rayyan was performing the song called "Islam is the way of life". Your the smallest child standing on the pentas. hehheheh.. but I am so proud of you. You did finish your school for year 2013.
Well know, about yourself plak... Humm.. Rayyan. You are very gentleman as abang sulung tau, Always beralah dengan Hudd. Rayyan likes cooking and tasting food same like ibu and sangat cerewet tentang barang2 kepunyaannya. You love Ironman, Batman, Ultraman.. semua superhero la.. And for your 4th birthday, I bought to you ironman cupcakes. do you remember that time?
2. Hudd
Anak kedua Ibu ni tahun ni dah masuk 3 years old. Tapi still manja dengan ibu.. walaupun ganazzz. Hudd suka ikut apa saja yg abang Rayyan buat. Apa saja yg abang Rayyan main, dia akan rampas dan main atau hancurkan. Mmg kuat betul dengkinya dgn abg Rayyan. Tapi cuba la kalo abang tu pegi skolah.. dia akan mati kutu.. dan tido. Ibu try to send you to playschool tapi rupanya bila dgn org ain Hudd ni pemalu. Dia hanya buli abg dia aje.hehehehhee... hudd.. hudd..
Tapi hudd ni pun cerewet jugak. ahahha.. sama mcm ibu n papa jugak. tapi nak layan dia punya cerewet lagi la pening.. Selalu kene pulas telinga dgn ibu but he will act like nothing happen, nothing wrong. Geram jugak kadang2.

I delivered the newborn Sarah Mishael on 13/12/13 in the morning at Az-Zahrah Hospital. It was a normal delivery but with the help of vaccum sbb kepala baby senget sket. But that was the toughest time that i ever experience. Hanya padaMu Ya Allah aku berserah. Sebab the pushing process sahaja dah amik masa 1 hour sbb kepala yg senget itu.. dah kuar kepala..bahu plak senget.. kene push lagi. dan ibu tak amik ape2 medication ke, bius ke, gas ke, epidural ke.. semuanya naturally. Tapi sumpah sakit. But alhamdulillah, baby was safe and cute.
By now, sarah already 2 months old, dan sgt gemuk. hehhehhh. thanks to susu ibu yang sedap giler.
Thats all as an intro to the new version after bercuti dr memblog. heheheh..
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